Our Roles Their Dualities From MacFinnian Asiling Fiodoir - Zenkify

Our Roles Their Dualities

Myself MacFinnian Asiling Fiodoir, a healer on the Zenkify platform, embodies the duality of the healer's role described in the blog. My work aligns with the Light Wisdom, focusing on assisting spiritual journeys through a blend of holistic and energy healing practices. I exemplifies how Healers hold space for others to reconnect with the divine way, aligning with the 7 Heavenly Virtues as pillars in her community work.

Author’s Note: This is a continuation from the piece “Earth is Calling”. I will be diving into how the 7 Deadly Sins are showing up in the healing community. Each week there will be one piece on the 7 Deadly Sins and one piece on the 7 Heavenly Virtues. I don’t follow a religion but do believe how these energies appear in the Human Collective. The intention of this piece is for reflection and awareness.

When I first started writing ‘The Earth is Calling’ I had no idea what was unfolding. I thought I’d be writing one piece and moving on. Then I received the message that there was more to the story. Diving deeper into the relationship of the 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues as they relate to the Healer, Light Worker, and Light Walker community. I assumed that for every Sin there would be an opposite Virtue to correct the behavior of that Sin. Thinking that duality always equals the opposite behavior. I'm coming to understand it doesn't work out quite like that, there’s duality within each Sin and Virtue. The duality that is being explored within these pieces is the duality between the Human Experience and the Divine Way. 

The 7 Deadly Sins happen within this human experience as we turn away from divine way of life, disconnecting us from the Earth and all her creatures. With the rise of the corporate industries, technology, fame and fortune, we as humans lost our way of divine thinking thus disconnecting us from the Earth Goddess. The 7 Deadly Sins are the caution and warning for us to make sure that we are living not only in the right relationship with our own sovereignty but with the earth as well. 

Whereas the 7 Heavenly Virtues are pillars to live by. They help build a foundation to stay in alignment with the divine way. The divine way the alliance of the Universe, Spirits, Earth and of Oneness. These virtues allow us in our human experience to keep perspective and connection to that alliance. Though we are all divine and cosmic star dust, we've gone through a process to be in the human experience by gaining entry through an Earthly Womb. It takes practice to remember we are divine cosmic beings. It also requires a humbling of the ego to understand that we are not currently gods nor are we aliens. We are humans in the human experience, and we falter. Which is why we have access to the energies of the 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues. 

Throughout my life there have been many references to the 7 Deadly Sins. From church to books to film, the 7 Deadly Sins are a household name. It wasn’t until purchased an oracle deck (The Mystical Wisdom Oracle deck) when I was 30, that I heard of the 7 Heavenly Virtues. Now, I have my theories as to why that would be but I’m going to focus on my belief, the Churches themselves aren’t in alignment with each other as to what the 7 Heavenly Virtues are. For these writings, I’m going to focus on the virtues that come from the Mystical Wisdom Oracle deck that I work with. Because they align with my beliefs. In my humble opinion it’s not a terrible idea to have many pillars of virtue to keep you in alignment with yourself and the alliance. We as the Healers, Light Walkers, and Light Workers as the teachers of awakening, healers on assisting spiritual journeys, and the healing path should recognize and hold the 7 Heavenly Virtues as pillars in our work. 

Incorporating the 7 Heavenly Virtues as pillars in our community requires us to understand the importance of each role within our community. There are some that believe everyone is to end up as a Healer, Teacher, or Lightworker. Understand that those roles are set in place before we start the process of the human experience. There is weight and pressure to those roles. A lot of us go through some intense dark nights of the soul in preparation for those roles. Not everyone is meant to go through those challenges. There are many roles to play in this human experience and they are all equally important because they cannot exist without each other. I am listing these roles in 3 different categories to honor all those that work and walk in the Light Wisdom. 


In the broadest sense of the word, a healer is a person that works in the realm of making people feel better both physically and mentally. Some of these people may not even know that they are working in the Light Wisdom. They just heard the call and answered. These include Counselors, Therapists, Holistic Doctors/Naturopaths, Massage Therapists, Priests/Parishioner, Chaplains, Nutritionist, Personal Trainers, Life Coaches, Rockhounds, Musicians, Doulas (either birth or death), Yoga Instructors, those that work with the animals, and Herbalists. 

An example of a healer is a local Herbal Veterinarian who taught me about Plant Medicine. He is a devout member of the LDS church. But when he speaks of Plant Medicine, you easily recognize that he is working from a space of Light Wisdom. He speaks of how he listens to the little voice of God showing him plants that were once used and he brings that medicine back into this time and place.  

You could argue that some of these professionals are creating more harm than good because they aren’t working in the Light Wisdom. That's where duality comes in. There will be people in every category who aren't working intentionally for the highest good of all and they are exhibiting energies of the 7 Deadly Sins. It’s important to remember that there are going to be people who are only here to show you what it looks like if you are not living in alignment with yourself and the Light Wisdom. 

I know that religious workers can be a trigger for some (myself included) because of our religious trauma. I have met and worked with many religious workers that are standing in the Light Wisdom. They are true healers and gifts to their religions. They are working in their own personal modalities and beliefs, but they are very open and willing to collaborate with others in different modalities. It’s been a healing opportunity for me to work with these individuals.   

Light Workers: 

In the broadest sense of the word, a Light Worker is a person that works in the realm of the unseen or for those that can see they work in energy and light fields. This work is to heal others physically, spiritually, and mentally. They want to help others break free of the constructs created in the human collective and raise the Light to restore harmony between the Human Experience and the Divine Way. They work with ancestors, guides. angels, and walk besides. Often, they’ll use healing tools such as crystals, plants, sound, cards, and metals in their work. I’ve even met someone that works to balance energy by using household items, depending on the client they’re working with. These Light Workers include Reiki Masters, Shamans, Mystics, Mediums, Psychics, Quantum Healers, Buddhists, Comic Healers, Pagans, Druids, Witches, Elemental Healers, Astrologers, Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioners, Sound Healers, and Crystal Healers.

I want to make sure everyone who is here to assist in healing and help others break free of human constructs are honored because Healers and Light Workers are all so important. If I did not mention the field you work in, or the light work you do. Please do not take offense, there's so much to list and I am attempting to keep it in broad terms. And I am thrilled to be able to say I'm still learning all the amazing modalities that are available!

Light Workers are not just healers, many turn into teachers to pass on the Light Wisdom so others may become Light Workers. We may not all be doing the same modality, but the intention is the same to heal, to awaken the human collective, and to raise the Light. We are all so uniquely individual and all our gifts are needed. 

In the interest of duality, even within the Light Worker community, there are those that are here just as example of what it looks like to not live in alignment of the Light Wisdom. These Light Workers and Healers are gaining popularity fast for various reasons but the more we place our intention, awareness, and discernment within our practice the more the Light Wisdom will balance out the work of those others. That is why it is so important for us to learn to recognize the energies of the 7 Deadly Sins and how they are presenting themselves within our community.

Light Walkers:

Not everyone is required to enter the professions of Healers and Light Workers. Light Walkers are those that heal themselves whether it’s through working with Healers and Light Workers, or on their own. Light walkers are those who are open, awake, and understand the Light Wisdom. Living in their own authentic experience, they live their life in alignment with earth and with the cosmos. Every step they take is in Light Wisdom. They share the Light Wisdom by being exactly who they are. Whether they are consciously aware of this or not. They share stories, music, and art inspired by their journey. They also participate in circles, ceremonies, rituals, and classes provided by Light Workers and Healers. Some even do these on their own. They take their experiences on their journey, sharing them with others willing to listen. 

The most important thing any of us is should be doing is healing ourselves. When you heal yourself, others around you see what you’ve gone through. You become the living example and the possibility for change, healing, and transformation that others either are striving for or didn’t know was possible. That spreads the Light Wisdom in a different way. Some would argue that this automatically transforms a Light Walkers into Healers, Light Workers and Teachers. While it is true, it’s in a different way. Light Walkers are Teacher, Healers, and Light Workers by example only. Light Walkers do not have to accept any label of Healer, Light Worker, or Teacher.  There’s a responsibility that comes with holding those labels. As I have stated before, that responsibility is created before starting the human process. 

I’m fortunate enough to work with and have a few friends that are Light Walkers. They really appreciate this honoring term of Light Walker. Using discernment and standing in their alignment, they witness that being a Healer or Light Worker does not feel right for their path. They want to do their own thing, and they deserve to do that. By giving them a name and a role, they feel their place within the community and their purpose.

I’ve witnessed Healers and Light Workers attempting to push Light Walkers into these other roles. Then Light Walkers lose community because they don’t want to be pushed into a role that is not for them. It’s as heartbreaking for me to hear as I am sure it is for a Light Walker to experience. We all need community. I ask that if you are Healer or Light Worker who has attempted this in the past to please reflect on your actions going forward. It’s not unheard of for a Light Walker to transform, as we were all Light Walkers in the beginning, but we all are not required to transform into Healers and Light Workers.   

Before you attempt to create that transformation for a Light Walker, please ask yourself:

  • Is it necessary for their path?
  • Are they ready for this transformation?
  • Is it for the highest good of EVERYONE?
  • Why do I feel they need this transformation?
  • Is my Spiritual Ego involved in this?

I have met many people who have the potential to be Healers and Light Workers. After some missteps I’ve learned to use discernment for myself.  The discernment is, that I’m seeing something Light Walkers once were, but that in no way means they have signed up for that role this lifetime. Pushing that role on them freaks them out, making it so they don’t want anything to do with our community. They start to believe that every Healer or Light Workers just wants them to become something they don’t want to be. Yes, we want to grow the community of Healers and Light Workers, but it’s important to remember that our communities will be even larger with Light Walkers included just as they are. Our purpose is to allow and honor Light Walkers for being exactly who they know they are.  

There are going to be Light Walkers that feel being a Healer or Light Worker is a glamorous label. This is the duality of the Light Walker. They feel they need to be more than what they are, because they are starting to exhibit the energies of the 7 Deadly Sins. Not seeing the beauty of their own work means Light Walkers are a very understated group within our community that we rarely speak about. This is why I will always include them. They deserve to be honored just the same as Healers and Light Workers. Taking on that role for the “glamor” and “fame” (which believe me it’s not) can bring on a dark night of the soul. The aftermath of which could have a Light Walker believing it’d be better to walk away from the Light Wisdom. They show other Light Walkers what it looks like if you do not live in alignment with yourself. 

Every one of these roles has value, and none is greater than the other. Healers and Light Workers are here to assist Light Walkers on their journeys. While Light Walkers teach Healers and Light Workers by exposing them to other perspectives. Enlightening Healers and Light Workers to the wisdom of the Light Walker. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a Light Walker sharing their experience and it reflected one of my own experiences or something I was currently going through. The wisdom that was exchanged in those interactions not only assisted the Light Walker but taught me a deeper understanding of what I experienced. Because of that I had the opportunity to heal another layer simply because a Light Walker shared with me. 

It is the duty of every single Light Worker, Light Walker, and Healer to understand what the energies of the 7 Heavenly Virtues are and to bring them into our community as pillar energies to work by, while staying aware of how the energies the 7 Deadly Sins appear within our community. To live mindfully and not become lost within the human collective construct that some roles are greater than others. There’s no hierarchy within our community. That’s why we meet in circles. To show we are all equal. If we are doing the work as we’re supposed to, we will be continuously learning and growing with the help of all three roles within our community. 

Understanding both the Sins and the Virtues allows us to see when they appeared in our personal journeys. We recognize our faults, fumbles, and slips and how after those fumbles, we came back into alignment with ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to humble ourselves. Realizing that we too have made human errors of judgement. It allows us to open our perspectives, hearts, and minds to remain compassionate and to hold grace for others as they navigate the human experience free of our judgement. This allows us to be able to offer this wisdom to another that is necessary in that moment of their journey. 

We start to realize there is no difference between us and those that are still stuck in the human collective construct. We went through similar experiences. We were fortunate enough to have the compassion of a Light Worker, Healer, Light Walker who was willing to sit us and expose us to their story and Light Wisdom. As we continue to awaken more people into the Light Wisdom we do so by holding and honoring energies such as the 7 Heavenly Virtues as pillars within our community.

We are a community, and we are all needed to raise the Light Wisdom. As the Light rises, we’ll see more darkness because we are forcing the Darkness that is trying to pass as Light Wisdom into view, exposing it for the falseness that it is. We are at a pivotal point in the human experience where we are either going to keep evolving in this human experience or we can follow the Atlanteans and become a mirror legend that once existed here. In these times, it is more important than ever for us to be in alignment with each other to continue bringing the Light Wisdom to the surface. To recognize when we as a community are fumbling and hold compassion as we guide each other back into alignment. The choice is ours, as it always has been. Let’s choose to stand in the duality of the Human Experience and the Divine Way aligning ourselves with the Light Wisdom and the Alliance. 

In the ever-evolving realm of spiritual roles, the interplay of the 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues provides a deep lens into how Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers contribute to the awakening of the collective. The journey towards aligning with the divine way often involves tapping into various healing modalities, such as Energy Healing Services in USA. These services, offered by Healers and Light Workers alike, are essential for those seeking to realign with their authentic selves and live in harmony with the Earth and the cosmic energies.

By incorporating the teachings of the 7 Heavenly Virtues into their practices, Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers not only raise the light within themselves but help others do the same. Platforms like Zenkify serve as a collective space for these energy workers to share their gifts, offering invaluable services that guide people toward spiritual alignment and a deeper understanding of the duality between the human experience and the divine way.

Through Reiki and Theta Courses in USA, individuals can learn to harness these transformative healing modalities, empowering themselves and others to heal from within and reconnect with their higher purpose. These courses help spread the Light Wisdom throughout communities, fostering personal growth and collective enlightenment.

Healers specializing in Reiki & Theta Healing Service in USA are vital guides for individuals who wish to break free from the limiting constructs of the human experience. Through practices like Reiki, which focuses on energy balancing, and Theta Healing, which works on deep subconscious beliefs, these professionals help individuals reconnect with their divine essence. Many Healers, such as those found on Zenkify, offer a variety of Reiki and Theta Courses in USA, providing the tools for others to awaken to their own healing potential and spread Light Wisdom within their communities.

Author’s Note: if reading this stirred up unsettling feelings for yourself. I do offer a FREE CONSULTATION, let’s chat and see if I’m the healer that could help you navigate the “Shadow Healer Era”. I also have an active listening vent session SPILL THE TEA. We’re all in this together. Let’s heal together.

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