Where Do Healers Go When They Need Healing? Insights from MacFinnian Asiling Fiodoir - Zenkify

Where do Healers go when they need healing?

Myself MacFinnian Asiling Fiodoir, a seasoned healer and Reiki teacher on the Zenkify, dedicated to empowering fellow healers through Reiki and Theta healing.

Recently I was going through a rough patch disconnected, and troubled by the events circling my life. I was speaking with a friend about this, and he asked me a simple question. “Where do the healers go when they need healing?”

For me this is a simple answer, we go to other Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers. Yet, watching the community around me I see this isn’t always the case. Especially, if we’ve had negative encounters with other Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers in the community. Which happens more than I’d care to admit.

We end up doing as we were trained, relying solely on ourselves or nature for healing and clarity. We are conditioned into knowing that we have the ability to heal ourselves. Which is true, but we sometimes do not have the strength to heal ourselves or find clarity. When we are in the thick of chaos, stuck, and affected by dark energy, we wait for these feelings to pass. Using what little strength we have, we soldier on. We attempt to ramp up our daily practices or we isolate ourselves to force an outcome.

Pushing through and struggling forward, we end up tapping ourselves out. This means it takes us longer to recover from whatever was creating this stuck, dark and chaotic energy. Where does that leave your clients? Remember, we only give the overflow of our cup, and if your cup is nearly empty and you’re continuing to heal others, you start giving people what I call Back-Wash Healing. Nobody wants the gross remains of what’s left in your cup, and you know that’s not what you want to be giving out. Nobody wants back wash healing. It’s not helpful to clients and you’ll notice that your client list takes a hit from that. Which of course furthers the despair and makes you ask, “is this what I’m really supposed to be doing?”

Perhaps you should be asking yourself different questions, like, “Am I going through transformation? Do I need to rest and give myself compassion, and grace? Should I receive a session from somebody else?”  

The answer to all those questions is YES! Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers like to talk a big game about selfcare and being gentle on ourselves during these times. Yet, this all goes out the window for us when the Storm is at our own door. 
Start living the truth you spread to your clients and others around you. Show them through your own actions that you are willing and open to receive help from others. Lead by example. Don’t be the double standard, show them what it looks like to be aligned and owning your healing journey. Seek out new Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers in your community. We are a much larger group than we used to be. Everyday, I’m meeting new Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers in the community both in my physical location and online. Bonus, there are more distance healing sessions available now.

It does take some humbling of the ego and a perspective shift to allow other Healers, Light Workers, or Light Walkers to come to your aid. Especially, if you’ve had a negative encounter in the past. It’s like if you were to go to a doctor and have a bad experience with that doctor then swearing off all other doctors. You just wouldn’t do that. Trust that not everyone is the same, that there are others out there that will align in your healing journey. That you don’t have to be the only tool for your journey. In fact, you really shouldn’t be. 
Doing this work requires duality. It requires others to look at the situation. You’ll hear me say it a lot. I do not give myself Tarot and Oracle readings because I know what’s really prickly and going to hurt. I know I will avoid taking an honest look at it. Especially if I’m feeling vulnerable. I know what advice I would give a client, but I don’t use that information for myself. I need someone to call me out and direct me through the chaos within my own mind. 

I’ve started to look at myself in this work as a healing tool for people. By placing myself as a tool for healing others including myself, I give myself the freedom to understand that sometimes my tools are dull, and I need someone to help me sharpen them. Or I just need a different tool altogether. 

Try looking for Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers that offer different healing modalities than what you do. You’re a tool in your modalities and you need to recognize when that tool is not currently working. If you don’t, you risk, as the saying goes “continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results, is simply the definition of insanity.”
It’s time to shake things up. This is not to say that you or others working in your modality won’t work for you in the future, it’s just that at this moment they are not working. Try something new. The beauty of the Wisdom Light rising is that there are so many talented Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers that have gifts to offer, so use them. We are so uniquely individual, that others can offer tools and perspectives that we weren’t trained in because it wasn’t part of our modality. They’ll tell us the stuff we’re avoiding. They’ll explain it in a new way that our mind will allow us to understand. 

A few years ago, I was in a very dark place. I was at a stage in my life that everything was shifting for me, and I didn’t know who I could trust. I was stepping into a new understanding of myself that created uncertainty about my path. Then the person I had been dating ended things with me. Which was mutually necessary, but I’d become reliant on their wisdom to calm the chaos within me. This all collided one day creating the Tower Card for myself again, where none of my normal self-care practices and energy filling skills were working. I was going down into a pit of despair. At the time it was one of the darkest places I’d been in while on this healing path. I was so lost. 

I did the only thing I could think of and started asking others on Facebook what they were doing for self-care. A Healer stepped forward and offered me space to come see her. She created space in her schedule to get me in faster. I was unbelievably grateful and excited. I’d not had a session within her modality before. It was completely new. 
It was such a refreshing difference in healing than what I was used to. I almost asked her if I could be her student. Spirit and my guides knew better though. They came and reminded me I was where I needed to be, and I really wouldn’t be happy doing her work. A lot of what she was doing was relatable to work I do but this wasn’t my path. 

I’m grateful for that experience for many reasons. It showed me that regardless of the self-care and maintenance you are doing on yourself on this path, there will be moments of darkness. It’s not always “Good Vibes Only”. It showed me that I can return to the light, and I can trust others to help me heal. It opened my eyes to the beauty of different healing modalities and the importance of seeking those out. This Healer happened to also recommend more healing modalities to aid me even further on my healing journey. I worked with her for some time until there was a natural parting. 

Since then, I have branched out to work with other Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers for their modalities and have met some beautiful souls. Even if the modality doesn’t seem like something I’d be interested in. It’s given me a wide network to offer referrals to my clients. Let’s face it. Sometimes we have clients that don’t align with us or the work we do. It’s up to us to not take that personally and refer the client to someone that would be able to help them. Even though we didn’t have the tools they needed we were still an aid to their journey. We helped them to get to the place they needed to be. That is part of the work and why we are here. It’s not how many people we heal on this journey, it’s how we show up as Healers, Light Workers, and Light Walkers to aid and heal. Even if we aren’t the ones doing the work, it’s how we show up. 

So, where do the healers go when they need healing? We go to each other because we know this spiritual healing process works and we need each other to win.

Healers often face the paradox of needing healing themselves but not always seeking help from others. As lightworkers, Reiki and Theta Energy Healers in the USA may find themselves relying solely on their own techniques when the weight of life's challenges becomes overwhelming. However, it is essential to recognize that even the most skilled healers sometimes need external guidance, much like the offerings available through platforms like Zenkify, which connect individuals with a wide array of Reiki & Theta Healing Services in the USA.

When healers step into the role of a student or client, they open themselves to new perspectives and methods of healing. Platforms like Zenkify not only provide Reiki and Theta Courses in the USA but also foster a community where energy healers can support one another. This interconnection helps maintain balance in a healer’s life, ensuring they can continue their work with full energy rather than feeling depleted.

Zenkify’s holistic approach encourages healers to explore diverse modalities, reminding us that healing is a collective journey. Healers need to remember that they can rely on others to sharpen their tools and refresh their perspectives, just as clients rely on them for guidance. This exchange of energy keeps the healing cycle vibrant and effective, benefiting both healers and those they serve.

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